The General Industries Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA) is a South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) affiliated, socialist, internationalist trade union organizing and defending workers rights in various industries which include but are not limited to: Engineering, Contract and Labour Brokers, Plastic, Furniture, Glass, Pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Wood, Paper, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Hospitality, Food Processing, and Agriculture.
The Climate Crisis is a Crisis of Capitalism, driven by the same mentality of greed and accumulation which is responsible for the ruthless exploitation of workers. Yet it is the poor, the working classes and the most marginalised who will be most impacted by the Climate Crisis.
Read MoreThe strike is a manifestation of the power of workers to resist poverty and exploitation under capitalism and it requires working class solidarity to be won! This solidarity is being called for through a PUBLIC BOYCOTT OF ALL CLOVER PRODUCTS
Read MoreIn September of 2021, the workers of South Point, organised under GIWUSA, embarked on nation-wide industrial strike action demanding higher wages, the insourcing of cleaners, medical aid and the full pay out of TERS funds.
Read MoreA coalition of civil society organisations, community-based organisations, trade unions and grassroot organisations.
For more on the Climate Justice Coalition, visit the 350 website on the coalition. Click below to visit our webpage on this crucial front in the war we wage against Capitalist exploitation.
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